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Dry Eye Treatment

Dry eye syndrome (DES) represents many eye health challenges people face today. At Tsawwassen Optometry Clinic, we’re committed to providing leading-edge solutions for those suffering from this uncomfortable condition. We aim to offer relief and improve your quality of life through comprehensive assessments and the latest treatment innovations.

What is Dry Eye Syndrome?

Dry eyes occur when the eyes don’t produce enough tears, or the quality of the tears can’t adequately lubricate them. This lack of moisture and lubrication can lead to discomfort and, if untreated, vision impairment. A critical factor in many cases of DES is meibomian gland dysfunction (MGD). Meibomian glands produce the oil layer of the tear film, which prevents rapid evaporation of tears and ensures the eye’s surface remains well-lubricated.

When these glands fail to function properly, the tear film loses its stability, leading to an increase in tear evaporation and chronic dry eye symptoms. Addressing MGD is, therefore, essential in effectively managing dry eye conditions, highlighting the importance of comprehensive diagnostic and treatment approaches targeting the meibomian glands’ health.

What Are The Symptoms and Risk Factors for Dry Eyes?

Common symptoms of DES include:

  • Persistent dryness
  • Scratchiness or grittiness
  • Burning sensation
  • Irritation from smoke or wind
  • Fatigue and redness
  • Difficulty wearing contact lenses
  • Blurred vision, often worsening throughout the day

Common risk factors include:

  • Aging, particularly for individuals over 50
  • Hormonal changes, especially in women during menopause
  • Medications like antihistamines, decongestants, and antidepressants
  • Medical conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, and thyroid problems
  • Environmental conditions like exposure to smoke, wind, and dry climates
  • Prolonged use of digital devices, leading to reduced blinking rates

image explaining about eye parts

How is Dry Eye Syndrome Treated?

Your journey to relief from dry eye syndrome at Tsawwassen Optometry Clinic begins with a comprehensive assessment, where we employ advanced diagnostic tools to understand your condition’s severity and underlying causes. We customize our treatments to your needs, ensuring you receive the most effective care. Most patients report immediate improvements following these treatments, with a series of sessions often recommended for optimal results.

Complementing In-Office Treatments with At-Home Care

In addition to advanced in-office procedures, managing dry eyes effectively often includes daily at-home care routines. Our team at Tsawwassen Optometry Clinic will guide you through implementing practical strategies, such as hydrating eye drops, warm compresses, and eyelid hygiene techniques, to enhance the benefits of your treatments and promote lasting eye health.

Advanced Dry Eye Treatment in South Delta

We offer a suite of advanced dry eye treatments designed to alleviate symptoms and address the underlying causes of dry eyes. These treatments provide our patients lasting comfort and improved vision health in South Delta.

INMODE Forma-I Radiofrequency Treatment (RF)

InMode equipmentThe INMODE Forma-I radiofrequency treatment is a leading-edge, non-invasive procedure that harnesses radiofrequency energy to warm the eyelids, directly targeting the meibomian glands. This gentle warming process stimulates these glands, which are crucial for producing the oil layer of the tear film. Thus, there is an increase in oil flow to the eye’s surface, improving tear quality.

The result is a significant reduction in discomfort and inflammation associated with MGD, leading to improved eye comfort and overall ocular health.

Beyond its primary benefits for dry eye relief, the RF treatment boasts aesthetic advantages, such as skin tightening around the eyes and reducing fine lines and wrinkles. This dual-action effect promotes ocular well-being and contributes to a rejuvenated appearance. Radiofrequency treatments are a holistic choice for those seeking dry eye relief with therapeutic and cosmetic benefits.

INMODE Lumecca Intense Pulse Light Treatment (IPL)

The INMODE Lumecca intense pulsed light treatment is revolutionary for managing dry eye syndrome. It utilizes controlled light pulses applied precisely to the eyelid area to unclog meibomian glands, a common underlying cause of DES. This innovative and non-invasive treatment method reduces inflammation and restores normal gland function.

This process offers long-term relief from the symptoms of dry eyes but also has a therapeutic effect on ocular rosacea and meibomian gland dysfunction. IPL therapy also extends its benefits to aesthetic enhancements, addressing concerns such as sun damage, pigmentation, and vascular lesions on the eyelids and surrounding skin.

By improving the skin’s appearance while simultaneously treating dry eye symptoms, IPL therapy stands out as a comprehensive treatment solution, marrying functional eye care with cosmetic appeal.

Zocular Eyelid System Treatment (ZEST)

ZEST represents a novel approach to treating DES, especially effective for those suffering from eyelid inflammation and bacterial buildup. This unique treatment utilizes a blend of natural ingredients, including okra and aloe vera, known for their anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.

ZEST meticulously cleanses the eyelid margins, eliminating bacteria, toxins, and debris contributing to dry eye syndrome. This reduces inflammation and promotes a healthier ocular surface. Beyond its primary therapeutic benefits, ZEST also offers aesthetic improvements by soothing irritated eyelids and revitalizing the appearance of the eye area.

Patients undergoing ZEST treatment not only experience relief from the symptoms of dry eyes but also enjoy a refreshed and more youthful look. This makes it an ideal option for those seeking comprehensive eye care with aesthetic gains.

The Benefits of Radiofrequency and Intense Pulsed Light Therapies for DES

Radiofrequency and intense pulsed light therapy stands out for its dual benefits: It significantly alleviates dry eye symptoms by addressing the root causes of inflammation and offers cosmetic advantages by reducing visible signs of aging around the eyes. Patients appreciate the non-invasive nature of IPL, enjoying noticeable improvements in eye comfort and skin appearance.

A Real-Life Transformation

I first met Dr. Sara Kirby in September, 2022. I was seeking help for the following symptoms:

  • Swollen eyelids
  • Redness in the eyes
  • Gritty feeling (continuous)
  • Sensitivity to bright lights
  • Blurred vision when driving at night
  • Pain behind the eyes (headache)

Dr. Kirby diagnosed me with extreme ‘dry eye’ in both eyes. I had blocked tear ducts, so my tears weren’t lubricating my eyes. She told me about a new laser treatment that had just been approved by Health Canada. Doctors in the US had been using the technology for a while and were reporting impressive results in their patients.

I said, “Sign me up.” I had been in pain for so long.

So … I started a series of 4 treatments of about 20 minutes each – spaced out every three weeks. The treatments were relaxing and reminded me of a trip to the spa.

I felt immediate relief after the very first treatment (I hadn’t even left the office!)

Long story short – I finished my 4th treatment on January 3, 2023. I feel (and look) like a different person. My eyes are fully open, the inflammation in my eyelids has subsided. My eyes are not red and irritated anymore. I’m even sleeping better.

I am sharing my story in the hopes that anyone experiencing ‘dry eye’ symptoms may consider this treatment. I feel like a different person.

Laurie B.

Choose Tsawwassen Optometry Clinic for Your Dry Eye Solutions

If dry, scratchy, or irritated affects your comfort and vision, it’s time to explore the solutions at Tsawwassen Optometry Clinic. Our dedicated team is ready to provide you with the advanced treatments and personalized care needed to tackle DES effectively. Reach out to schedule your comprehensive assessment and take the first step towards lasting relief and improved eye health.